Aldora Arlene Louder, a beloved daughter, mother, aunt, and sister, passed away peacefully at her home in Springfield, MO on March 9, 2024. Born in Waterloo, IA on May 30, 1924, Aldora lived a life filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories.
Having pursued her education until the 12th grade, Aldora dedicated herself to a career as a waitress in the food industry, most notably at Blacks Department Store. Known for her warm smile and kind heart, she touched the lives of many through her dedicated service.
Aldora is survived by her loving daughter, Phyllis Louder, and her dear nieces and nephew: Paula Lowry, Scott Lowry, Kay Choyinski, Nellie Erskine, and Linda Miller. Additionally, she is survived by her brother, Bennie Clifford, with whom she shared a special bond.
As we mourn the loss of Aldora, we remember her as a devoted and compassionate soul who always put others before herself. Funeral services and ceremonies to honor her life will be held in the coming days, providing an opportunity for all those who knew and loved her to come together to share memories and pay their respects.
Aldora's memory will forever be cherished by those whose lives she touched, and her legacy of kindness and generosity will continue to inspire us all. May she rest in peace, knowing she was loved and will be remembered fondly by all who knew her.